TLE, The Online Contest of IIIT - Hyderabad was a refreshing one for me.We had to solve the Questions with different constraints. One of the Questions that we managed to pull off well was
this one:
In short, a code to draw the Penguin Image with shortest possible code.
The Actual Code we submitted was:
i,j,d,q;char*k[]={"4 1 1.1:8x1:1.","29 .16x.","28 :19x:.","27 .23x:","26 :25x:","26 26xX:","26 3x3:8x4:9x:","25 .2x:3 2:5x:5 :8x","25 :2x2 x.2 4x:2 2x.2 8x","25 :2x 3x2 4x: 4x2 :7x","25 '2x '2x2 4x:. 2x'2 8x","26 2x 6:2x5:.3 8x","26 2x5:.4:.7:8x","26 :x'4:'4:'5:':9x.","26 :2x.12:'3 10x","26 :2x: '8:'5 :10x.","25 .2x5 '4:'8 '10x.","23 .4x21 '9x.","21 .4x25 '9x.","19 .5x:26 10x.","18 .5x:'26 11x.","17 .6x3:.11 .7 2.3:_11x:.","16 .7x2'6 '3:2'12 2'2:12x.","16 6x12 :18 '2:12x","15 :4x:'12 :20 '12x:","14 .5x14 :21 2:12x","14 4x:'36 2:12x","14 4x15 .22 2:12x.","10 .:6x15 :22 2:12x2:","10 8x15 :22 2:13x:","10 8x15 :22 2:13x:","10 ':6x15 '22 2:12x:'","12 .:. 2x:.35 .:13x'","10 6:.'2x:.12 :18 .2: 11x':","2 .15:.'4x.28 4:'8x'3:.","2 18:.'5x26 5:.'.2x.'6:.","2 20:.'4x:.23 7:.2'9:","2 '21:.'2x:'21 .'20:2.","4 21:.'2x20 .2: 23:","2 .23:. 2x15 .2:4x 23:","2 25:.'3x2.8 .2:7x 20:'","2 '25: 23x 17:'","4 '23: 23x 15:'","8 '19:_6x2:3'2:10x '12:'","13 2':.10:'24 `._'6:2'"};main()
However, I know the above code is really unreadable. So, I made it a point to Display the actual Code that was first used to come up with the actual one.
* This is the code for Drawing the Penguin
using namespace std;
int main() {
* The Array of String below is the Actual Data about the Penguin
string k[] = {"13 2'1:1.10:1'24 1`1.1_1'6:2'", "8 1'19:1_6x2:3'2:10x1 1'12:1'", "4 1'23:1 23x1 15:1'", "2 1'25:1 23x1 17:1'", "2 25:1.1'3x2.8 1.2:7x1 20:1'", "2 1.23:1.1 2x15 1.2:4x1 23:", "4 21:1.1'2x20 1.2:1 23:", "2 1'21:1.1'2x1:1'21 1.1'20:2.", "2 20:1.1'4x1:1.23 7:1.2'9:", "2 18:1.1'5x26 5:1.1'1.2x1.1'6:1.", "2 1.15:1.1'4x1.28 4:1'8x1'3:1.", "10 6:1.1'2x1:1.12 1:18 1.2:1 11x1'1:", "12 1.1:1.1 2x1:1.35 1.1:13x1'", "10 1'1:6x15 1'22 2:12x1:1'", "10 8x15 1:22 2:13x1:", "10 8x15 1:22 2:13x1:", "10 1.1:6x15 1:22 2:12x2:", "14 4x15 1.22 2:12x1.", "14 4x1:1'36 2:12x", "14 1.5x14 1:21 2:12x", "15 1:4x1:1'12 1:20 1'12x1:", "16 6x12 1:18 1'2:12x", "16 1.7x2'6 1'3:2'12 2'2:12x1.", "17 1.6x3:1.11 1.7 2.3:1_11x1:1.", "18 1.5x1:1'26 11x1.", "19 1.5x1:26 10x1.", "21 1.4x25 1'9x1.", "23 1.4x21 1'9x1.", "25 1.2x5 1'4:1'8 1'10x1.", "26 1:2x1:1 1'8:1'5 1:10x1.", "26 1:2x1.12:1'3 10x", "26 1:1x1'4:1'4:1'5:1'1:9x1.", "26 2x5:1.4:1.7:8x", "26 2x1 6:2x5:1.3 8x", "25 1'2x1 1'2x2 4x1:1.1 2x1'2 8x", "25 1:2x1 3x2 4x1:1 4x2 1:7x", "25 1:2x2 1x1.2 4x1:2 2x1.2 8x", "25 1.2x1:3 2:5x1:5 1:8x", "26 3x3:8x4:9x1:", "26 26x1X1:", "26 1:25x1:", "27 1.23x1:", "28 1:19x1:1.", "29 1.16x1.", "4 1 1.1:8x1:1."};
for (int i = 45; i >= 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0, count = 0; j < k[i].size(); j++) {
if (isdigit(k[i][j])) {
count = count * 10 + (k[i][j] - '0');
} else {
for (int l = 1; l <= count; l++)
cout << k[i][j];
count = 0; //reset the count
cout << endl;
return 0;
Well, The Code Itself is self-explanatory. Finally the Actual Figure of Penguin looks like
We ended 66th Overall and 5th Indian Team when the Contest ended. You can view all the solutions at the official website of TLE.
Looking forward to more such Events in the future.